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Birthday parties at the museum

The Dinosaur’s Footprints’ Birthday Party at Market Hall Museum

Looking for a unique, fun party suitable for children ages 5 to 8? Book for our dino themed party at Market Hall Museum. 

Our party leader will run crafts, games and activities to help the children find out who has been leaving mysterious footprints around the museum.

Available at Market Hall Museum on Sundays for up to 20 children.


  • Exclusive use of Market Hall Museum
  • 1 hour of activities run by our party leaders
  • 30 minutes use of café space for your party tea
  • Dinosaur headband and fossil-making craft for all children to take home
  • Prize badge for all children to take home
  • Tablecloths, plates, cups and cutlery provided
  • Squash for children and tea and coffee for grown-ups
  • Card and present for the birthday child from Market Hall mascot Oisin the Deer
  • 30 minutes set-up time before the party begins

You will need to provide:

  • Food and cake for party tea
  • Any additional decorations for café space (please note that candles or indoor fireworks are not allowed in the museum)
  • Accompanying adults – we ask for 1 adult per 5 children

Earlier this year we celebrated our daughter’s 7th Birthday at the Market Hall Museum and the team were amazing and could not do more for us. The hour long session seamlessly combined dinosaur related fun and information including making, a treasure hunt and real fossils! 20 seven year olds had the most enjoyable and engaging afternoon. Many of my friends did not even know that it was possible to have their birthday celebrations at the museum and exclusive use of the building for their event, including the café area and catering materials for their party meal. What an exciting , exclusive and sustainable way to celebrate with little ones!

- Vishalakshi Roy, Warwick

Further Information:

  • Parties cost £250 for up to 20 children.
  • Parties are available starting at 10am or 2pm. Party activities last 1 hour with 30 minutes use of café space for your own food and activities.
  • It is the responsibility of the party booker to clean the tables, sweep the floor and remove all rubbish off the premises. We will provide bin bag, cleaning cloths and spray, and dustpan and brush.
  • Please give 6 weeks' notice for booking; the party is not confirmed until we can confirm we can staff it.
  • Full payment is required at time of booking. Payment can be made by card, cheque or cash.
  • Cancellation requires 3 weeks' notice otherwise full payment is required.
  • We reserve the right to cancel your party at any time, in the unlikely event that this happens we will provide an alternative date or a refund in full.
  • We will stop the activity if anyone’s safety is being compromised.

To make a booking or enquire further please call 01926 412069 or email