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Virtual Upstairs Downstairs workshop - Warwickshire Heritage Learning

Workshop title

Virtual Upstairs Downstairs workshop

Key stage 2
Delivered at

In your classroom, via Teams or Zoom

Duration Virtual workshops lasts approximately 45 minutes
Main focus


Workshop outline

Compare the lives of working class and wealthy Victorian families using our model houses. Take a live tour of the houses with one of the housemaids looking at the differences between the two houses and student’s own homes. Examine the house and learn about the difference between family life, servants and education for rich and poor families.

Students will have to complete bingo cards as we tour the houses, looking for objects that heat and light the home and try to answer the question ‘where is the bathroom?’.

Key skills covered
  • Chronological understanding
  • Change and continuity – understand how life in the past was different and similar to today
  • Cause and consequence – understand the differences between Victorian and modern homes and the influence of Victorian Britain on British culture today
  • Historic enquiry and interpretation of original sources and objects
Booking information