Key Stage 2
- Ancient Egyptians
- Ancient Egyptians
- Ancient Romans
- Anglo Saxons
- Anglo-Saxons
- Archaeology mini dig
- Build a working wind turbine workshop
- Digital composition workshop
- Fossils
- History Detectives - discover crime and punishment
- History Detectives - discover World War 1 at the County Record Office
- History Detectives – discover medicine through time
- History Detectives – discover the First World War
- History Detectives – discover your local history
- Jurassic Fossil Handling
- Living things, animals and us
- Rocks and Fossils at Cross Hands Quarry
- Romans
- Shakespeare's Warwickshire
- Stone Age Skills
- Stone Age to Iron Age
- Stone Age to Iron Age (key stage 1 and 2)
- The Great Fire of Warwick
- Victorians at St Johns – extension activities
- Victorians at St Johns – upstairs downstairs
- Victorians at St Johns – Victorian laundry
- Victorians at St Johns – Victorian schoolroom
- Victorians at St Johns – Victorian Summer
- Virtual Upstairs Downstairs workshop
- Virtual Victorian Schoolroom workshop
- World War 2 Home Front