Heritage Education - Warwick the Bear and Friends: A Natural History Adventure
An interactive storytelling workshop for Key Stage 1. Based at Priory House Warwick and including a nature trail around nearby Priory Park. Bring a packed lunch, if you like, and extend your day with an optional free teacher led trail of Market Hall Museum.
Immerse your class in the story of Warwick the Bear. Focus on the sights, sounds, smells, and feel of the natural history all around us. What does Warwick the Bear see, hear, smell and touch as he explores the park? What can you see, hear, smell and touch? Explore our taxidermy collections close up. Look at your finds from the park through a microscope.

This workshop includes:
- An immersive story that engages the senses.
- Encouraging pupils to investigate the natural world around them.
- Collecting and observing tasks
- The opportunity to practice observatory skills using microscopes
- The chance to explore items from our taxidermy collection
- Investigative tasks based around texture, sound and deductive reasoning
- An optional teacher led trail of Market Hall Museum
Pupils will be able to practise skills in:
- observing in detail, using simple equipment.
- identifying and classifying.
- using observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.
- gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.
- identifying and naming local wildlife.
View our prices or make a booking.